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Glossy laminate

what it is?

Elesgo sound proofing

Owing to the registered Wellness technique, the ELESGO gloss laminate possesses the outstanding sound-proofing properties due to which our laminate is 10 decibel more silent as compared to common laminated floorings.


Elesgo sound proofing


Sound insulation thanks to the latest technique. The honeycomb structure at the floorboards' reverse side produces the excessive acoustic vibrations. Sound waves are refracted inside the honeycomb and reflected to its opposite walls until the sound goes out entirely.

Elesgo sound proofing



Acoustics. Independent of the location, whether in music, nature, at the workplace or in private dwelling environment the acoustics is of high importance. With Wellness, the flooring has been made to feel greatly. This property is the basis of the Wellness structure. The reverse side of this laminated flooring has the built-in noise-absorbing bottom layer featured with the Laminopax durable material applied honeycomb shaped onto special stabilizing coating. Honeycomb absorbs the sound of steps in a room almost completely. Such a noise-absorbing effect forms very comfortable acoustics in the rooms since the sound level is lowered to minimum.

Elesgo sound proofing




How does the honeycomb structure function? The honeycomb structure absorbs the sound waves inside the honeycomb and reflects them in the direction of the honeycomb opposite walls until the sound goes out entirely. At the same time the sound goes into comfortable dark. Sounds emitted when walking reduce 50%. The Wellness flooring is 10 decibel more silent as compared to common laminated floorings. Only thanks to this intelligent structure, such minor and easy-to-mount floorboard height is possible. With this special manufacturing technique, up to 4600 honeycomb is applied to 1 m.sq. of the board reverse side. Advantages are taken aurally.

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